Introducing: The Revealed Rome Newsletter

Revealed Rome newsletter
Want to stay up-to-date with travel tips, tricks, news, and more from Rome, Italy, and (sometimes) beyond? Subscribe to the Revealed Rome newsletter! 

I try to share fairly often on Facebook and Twitter—but not everyone is on those platforms, and, besides, they're not always that convenient. (Plus, if I post at 2pm Italy time, those of you in, say, California aren't even up yet… and don't see the updates at all!).

So I've launched this newsletter as a handy way for you to get all of the Revealed Rome news in one place. It won't flood your inbox (I'm planning on sending about two newsletters a month), but it will keep you in the loop when it comes to everything you love best about Italy and travel—food, art, history, shopping, you name it.

So go on.
Make my day!

I'll be sending out the first newsletter on Friday, March 15.

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Titian Comes to Rome’s Quirinale, And It’s a Show You Won’t Want to Miss

Titian exhibit at the Scuderie del Quirinale
Titian’s charming Danae, just one of dozens of masterpieces on display now at the Quirinale

The much-anticipated exhibit Tiziano (Titian) opened this week at Rome’s Scuderie del Quirinale. I have one word: Go! 

 So many retrospectives can’t get their hands on a painter’s best masterpieces, but not this one. There are no fewer than 39 works by Titian—you know, the most famous artist to ever come out of Venice, and the most important Italian artist of the 16th century. And they range from the incredible Martyrdom of St. Lawrence (which has an estimated value of 50 million euro, by the way) to the iconic La Bella to the charming Danae. 

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A Few of My Favorite Places in Rione Monti, for National Geographic Traveler

Monti article for Nat Geo Traveler
It’s no secret that I adore Monti, the ancient rione a stone’s throw from Rome’s Colosseum and forum. Want to find out why? Pick up the April issue of National Geographic Traveler (that’s the U.S. version of the magazine), where I’ve written about some of the area’s hidden gems and hottest spots—from an ancient basilica to an artisanal gelateria. Here’s a sneak peek, but when the article goes live online, I’ll share it here, so check back. (Update, March 17: You can now read the story about Monti online!).

And stay tuned for news of an article on another fantastic Rome neighborhood, for another great travel magazine, coming soon. (What can I say, I hate to play favorites).

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Exploring Rome by Scooter: My Latest Story and… Photo Shoot?

Article on Rome scooters for AUH

Ever wondered what it would be like to explore Rome by scooter? I wrote all about it for the premiere issue of AUH magazine, interviewing Rome locals, Vespa collectors, and just about everyone else as addicted to their motorini as any Roman should be. (If you've never heard of the magazine before, maybe you just haven't been traveling in the Middle East enough: It's the brand-new magazine for Abu Dhabi airport. And yes, I win points for publication randomness). 

The folks over there also, of all things, asked me to participate in the photo shoot for the article. (They hastened to tell me that it was meant to be journalistic, so they didn't need "real" models. As a non-model, I'm proud to say I definitely fit the bill!).

So, as a writer, here was the unusual part: I got to not only write the story… but spend a morning whipping around Rome on a scooter. And not just any scooter. This was a 1953 white, vintage Vespa, complete with a sidesaddle seat in the back (love!). Talk about having an Audrey Hepburn moment.

And, yes. I wound up in a few of the story's photos (being the only girl in the group will make that happen). Check out the story, and the embarrassing (but beautifully-done—photographer Jamie Baker was excellent) photographs, here.

AUH magazine story on scooters in Rome

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Pope Benedict XVI Resigning February 28

Pope Benedict XVI resigning
Pope Benedict XVI in healthier days: on the Day of the Immaculate Conception in 2010

Big news from Rome: The Vatican announced this morning that Pope Benedict XVI is resigning at the end of the month.

The last time a Pope resigned, it was in 1415—and the purpose was to end the Western Schism. (Three men were all claiming to be the Pope simultaneously. Things got confusing). This time, the 85-year-old Pope’s reason for his departure seems a little more personal. It’s most likely because of his health, which seems to have been deteriorating in recent months. You can read the Pope’s declaration of his resignation here.

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Chatting About Underground Rome on the How to Tour Italy Radio Show

The Colosseum underground, one sight we talk about on the How to Tour Italy radio show

I was back on the How to Tour Italy radio show with Anthony Capozzoli today, talking about one of my favorite subjects, Rome’s underground sites.

Got a half-an hour? That’s enough time to get the low-down on my top four underground sights, including the Basilica of San Clemente, Catacombs of Santa Priscilla, Palazzo Valentini, and hypogeum of the Colosseum. Enjoy!

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The Most Romantic Places in Rome

The most romantic places in Rome

Looking for romance in Rome—whether you’re traveling here for Valentine’s Day, a honeymoon, or maybe even (!) to propose? You’re in luck.

No, I can’t promise you’ll meet the dark-eyed love of your life here. But if you’re already traveling with your sweetheart, you’re golden: Rome has to be one of the most romantic cities around.

Of course, lots of people tend to think that the most romantic spots are also the most famous (the Trevi Fountain, say, or the Spanish Steps). Call me jaded, but I think the 24/7 crowds and pushy rose-sellers kind of suck the romance out of them.

The most romantic places to propose or honeymoon in Rome

Want to find a spot that’s a little more tranquil… where you can actually grab a moment to yourself? Here are a few of my favorite, off-the-beaten-path romantic places in Rome. 

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Living La Dolce Vita in Rome (Or, Stomping On Your Daydreams)

Dolce vita in Rome - real or not?
La dolce vita in Rome: Is it for real?

People often have the impression that life in Rome is all about la dolce vita. By focusing just on food and travel, art and history, my blog, and others like it, encourage that idea.

But after four years of speaking to starry-eyed strangers about life in Italy, it’s time to come clean.

Living here can be over-the-top wonderful. There’s no arguing that it has some serious advantages over almost anywhere else. (The history! The food! The language!). Because I happen to adore those particular aspects of life, I’ve been the happiest here that I’ve ever been.

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Rome’s Carnival of Horses, for BBC Travel

Roman Carnival
Rome’s Carnival includes lots of events like this one. (Photo: Carnevale Romano)

The 2013 edition of Rome’s Carnival (or “Carnevale”, if you’re trying to be all Italian about it) kicks off tomorrow, Feb. 2. While it’s easy to mistake for an equestrian event, what with all the horse shows and horse parades and horse, well, everything else, you don’t have to be a horse lover to want to take part in the fun.

In fact, until Feb. 12th, Rome’s going to be hopping with all kinds of family-friendly (and free!) entertainments. Parades? Check. Fireworks? Check. Street performers, concerts, and shows by the Commedia d’Arte? Check, check and check.

Find out more—and exactly what not to miss over the next 11 days—piece for the BBC as their Rome travel blogger, “Rome’s Carnival of Horses,”on what not to miss in Rome’s 2013 Carnival.

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Rome’s Coziest Cafes with Wi-Fi


Looking for a cafe in Rome that’s cute, cozy… and has free Wi-Fi?

You’re not alone. As much as it might seem like I spend 99% of my time shopping, dining out, traveling, and otherwise enjoying la dolce vita, I also work. A lot. And every once in a while, the idea of spending one more day staring at nothing other than my laptop and my office wall is enough to make me consider going back to (shudder!) the real world.

Which is why I’ve made it a priority to seek out the best, friendlist spots in Rome that have Wi-Fi. And that won’t kick me out, or make me feel uncomfortable, if I hang out there for three or four hours straight (keeping myself nourished with a steady stream of coffees, of course).

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